By Evan Ward


In its first year, California’s anti-hate hotline, CA vs Hate, is making waves. Born from Governor Gavin Newsom’s push against a rising tide of hate incidents, this multilingual hotline has connected hundreds of Californians with support. The data’s in: 1,020 hate acts reported.

Newsom had a clear message, “CA vs Hate is about recognizing and protecting our state’s diversity. Hate won’t be tolerated.” CRD Director Kevin Kish chimed in, “We didn’t sit back when hate surged. We acted. These programs ensure all communities feel welcome and protected.”

Historically, many hate crimes went unreported. Fear of retaliation, lack of resources, immigration concerns, and distrust in law enforcement kept people silent. CA vs Hate changes the game. Offering confidential, free services without needing to engage the criminal system, it’s a lifeline for those targeted by hate.

In its first year, the hotline saw over 2,100 contacts. Discriminatory treatment, verbal harassment, and slurs topped the list. Residential areas, workplaces, and public facilities were common locations for incidents. Of the 1,020 hate reports, most agreed to follow-up care, with nearly 80% of California’s counties represented. Race and ethnicity led the bias motivations, with anti-Black anti-Latino, and anti-Asian being the most cited.

California isn’t new to the fight against hate. Increased funding, innovative programs, and wide-reaching outreach efforts have marked the state’s approach. Partnerships like the Stop the Hate Program and Ethnic Media Outreach Grants play a critical role in CA vs Hate’s success.

Now, CA vs Hate is ramping up. Here’s what’s new:

Billboard campaigns in half a dozen cities to boost awareness.

Targeted outreach for hard-to-reach communities, with new digital assets in collaboration with tribal partners and the AAPI community.

New public engagement pathways through digital ads with the DMV and in-person events with sports teams.

A partnership with UC Berkeley’s Possibility Lab for better data collection.

Exploring text-responsive reporting to increase access.

Ongoing efforts with United Against Hate Week.

Community-specific engagement through the Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act grant, including a partnership with California Black Media.

Quarterly meetings with city and county governments for better local responsiveness.

A coalition of faith-based leaders to address religious-based hate.

CA vs Hate offers a non-emergency, multilingual hotline and online portal. Reports can be made anonymously by calling (833) 866-4283 or online at For immediate law enforcement assistance or imminent danger, call 911.

This resource was supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library via California Black Media as part of the Stop the Hate program. The program is supported by partnership with the California Department of Social Services and the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs.